Author Archives: Aquarius Energy
Aquarius Energy to acquire Oiltanking’s stake in Oiltanking MOGS Saldanha (OTMS)
Aquarius Energy is pleased to announce its intention to acquire Oiltanking’s 37% stake in Oiltanking...
Sale of the Nordic Storage business
Aquarius Energy has sold its 100% stake in Nordic Storage AB to InterTank Nordic AB,...
Staying The Course
Gary Kalmin, CEO at Aquarius Energy tells Tank Storage Magazine about the company's past year...
Global Tank Storage Award Winner
Aquarius Energy CFO, Nicholas Gohl tells Tank Storage Magazine about winning the Outstanding Achievement award.
Terminal Outlook with Nordic Storage
Nordic Storage AB is part of the HG Storage International (HGSI) global portfolio of high-calibre...
Have the lessons of Buncefield been forgotten?
As the industry progresses, we must keep in mind the lessons from Buncefield, says Peter...
Nordic Storage – Reliability when it is needed most
Nordic Storage, a member of the HG Storage International (HGSI) Group, is one of the...
What’s in storage?
Nordic Storage explains how the storing of biofuels has grown in importance over recent years...
Positioning to do well by doing good
Gary Kalmin from HG Storage International looks at the challenges shaping the tank storage industry.
Focus on sustainability
Daiva Angeldorff, CEO of Nordic Storage, outlines in a question and answer session with Biofuels...